Add to watched En ny dag gryer (1945)

1945 film by Grete Frische and Poul Bang


Ellen Margrethe Stein
Danish actress
Lily Broberg
Danish actress (1923-1989)
Gerda Gilboe
Danish actress
Gyrd Løfqvist
actor (1921-2012)
Aage Redal
actor (1891-1950)
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Alex Suhr
Axel Frische
Danish film director
Grete Frische
Danish actress and film director
Erling Schroeder
Danish actor (1904-1989)
Olaf Ussing
Danish actor
Grethe Holmer
Danish actress
Henry Nielsen
Danish actor (1890-1967)
Jørn Jeppesen
Danish actor
Jens Kjeldby
No description provided
Harald Holst
Danish actor
Alma Olander Dam Willumsen
No description provided
Adelheid Nielsen
Danish actor
Grete Fallesen
Danish actress